This is a great parcel priced to move. Amazing views of Steens Mountain and a serious piece of remote, rugged Oregon outback.

Remote beauty with stunning views. (This aerial shot is looking west.)
Remote beauty with stunning views. (This aerial shot is looking west.)
Note the ecoregion is "dissected high lava plateau": a truly ancient landscape. The purple box is the 40 acres for sale.
Note the ecoregion is “dissected high lava plateau”: a truly ancient landscape. The purple box is the 40 acres for sale. The vegetation is primarily big sagebrush and bottlebrush squirreltail.
Note the geological variety and complexity of this special land. Click for a bigger view.
Note the geological variety and complexity of this special land. Click for a bigger view.

What’s the legal description?

33S 40E WM section 15 tax lot 3700.

How much are property taxes?

In 2014, the annual property taxes were $44.40.

Is there power to the property?

Nope! This is one of the remotest spots in Oregon. This is total off-the-grid away-from-it-all solitude.

What about roads to the property?

As you can see, dirt roads lead directly to the property. (It may be muddy in spring, however.) It’s about 5 miles to interstate I-95.

How do I get there and how long does it take?

It’s 2 hours from Burns, Oregon. Or 2 1/2 from Boise. Or 4 1/2 from Reno.

Is it accessible all year?

This is high desert, so, probably. It does rain some and that may mud up the road. But it only rarely gets lasting snowfall. Winters can be very cold, though. Brr!

What’s the elevation?

It’s Oregon’s beautiful high desert! 3,860 feet above sea level.

Can I build?

You’d need a conditional use permit (CUP) from Malheur County. One thing to remember is that this is a relatively conservative and rural county by Oregon standards: therefore, it’s my understanding that such permits are typically granted. Once a permit is granted,  you’re allowed to dig a well, etc. I should note that you can park your RV here and live part time out of the year; as far as I know, there are no regulations against that. Oh, and pretty sure you can build small support structures without permits, too.

How big is 40 acres?

It’s 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile, or roughly equivalent to 40 football fields.

How much is this property?


How do I buy the property?

Just contact me below! Typically we exchange a cashier’s check for a notarized quit claim deed which you can then file with the county. If you’d like title insurance & escrow, that’s fine, but it’s up to you to cover these fees (using AmeriTitle it is $450 for the escrow account, $100-200 for title insurance, and roughly $50 for filing). We feel that these fees are pretty expensive for a smaller deal, but, again, it’s up to you if you want them. Contact me below for more details.

Any owner financing or terms?

We’d prefer to deal in cash to reduce the complexity of contract preparation, making sure that payments come in, and interest rate computation. However, since we get a lot of questions about this, we’re exploring how to setup reasonable owner financing for purchasers who don’t have all of the money right away. Contact me for details.

Interested in buying or talking more?

Please email me at oregondesert (at) OR fill out the private form below and I will get back to you.